Thursday, February 20, 2014

Walking in Wind

Yesterday I had only gotten 5.5 or 6 hours of sleep - I don't even remember now - but a friend who lives an hour away offered to come visit me in the morning, and by the time my older kids were off to school, I no longer had time to take a nap. So, I went on a walk instead!

I realized yesterday afternoon that exercising with my baby is a wonderful and very enjoyable way of taking care of myself without relying on anyone else. Right now, though, I have to rely on the weather to cooperate. At the beginning of my walk it did, and I would have liked to have kept going longer, but as I walked it got colder and windier and by the end, we were just trying to get back inside as quickly as we could.

I also thought, as I walked, how much I have invested, financially, in my health over the last couple of years. I've bought a gym membership, a jogging stroller, a BOSU, and various time with a personal trainer, plus I have done a few races. As I enjoyed my walk with my jogging stroller and my happy baby yesterday, I thought it's totally worth it! I am so grateful that we are in a financial position to make these choices, and I'm glad that they are (to me) clearly paying off.

Here is the info from MyTracks from my walk:
Total Distance 1.38 miles
Total Time 29:04
Average Speed 2.84
Moving Time 27:40 (I kept having to stop to move the blanket so it still covered the baby, but the wind kept blowing it so it was directly over his nose and mouth - so this may have actually been even lower than this)
Average moving speed 2.98 mi/hr
Max Speed 3.22 mi/hr

Heart Monitor Data:
Duration 29:31
163 calories
21:08 time spent w heart rate between 122 and 159
average heart rate 125; maximum heart rate 141

It was challenging for me to walk fast enough to get my heart rate up, because my neighborhood is basically flat. I suspect that the cold kept it down some, but that the resistance of walking against the wind kept it up some.

This morning I've gotten about 6 hours of sleep so far (just got up from an extra hour, yay!) but now I need to head out the door to a doctor's appointment and various errands. Right now I doubt I will get to exercise today, but if that changes I will report it here :).

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