Friday, January 24, 2014

Missing Motivation

I had a really hard time getting myself onto the treadmill today. I know I've got to do it, or I will physically suffer pain - but I still didn't want to!

I am too soon after having a baby, and I have learned too well that over doing it does not pay off. Also, I expect to get pregnant again (relatively soon), but I don't know exactly when that will happen, so it feels unwise to plan for a race this summer - especially because the last race I was going to do, I couldn't because I was pregnant and started bleeding and I really did have to not race for my health and that of my baby.

As I have walked for the last twenty minutes, I did come up with an idea: I can start using my heart rate monitor again! I can start training with the goal of reaching a certain heart rate and staying there for a certain amount of time. I'm not sure yet what that heart rate or that time will be, but it will give me something to work toward again.

I miss Zumba. Because it is flu season, and we don't want our baby around people, we put our gym membership on hold for a couple of months. I am really looking forward to going back to that, and to the weight machines there. I do have a Zumba video game, but I haven't even wanted to try that when I was home alone with the baby, because I'm not willing to make him sit there and cry so that I can dance. Maybe I will get up the gumption to do it this weekend though, when my husband and children are home all day.

Today on the treadmill, I did carry the 3 lb weights in my hands for about 10 minutes. Doing that, and walking fast enough that your arms swing, and keeping your abs tight while you do, is another way of increasing stability in your back / your core.

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