Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Museum Stroll

Until tonight, I hadn't sat down to a computer in about 4 or 5 days. However, I was still exercising!

My 10 yr old (who will be 11 later this week) is out of school for 3 weeks, so part of the time I've been doing stuff with him, and part of the time he's been helping with the baby so I could get stuff done using 2 hands at the same time.

Friday night last week we went to Ogden to visit some friends there, and on the way home on Saturday afternoon, we stopped at the airplane museum near Hill Airforce Base. I knew I wouldn't get home in time to exercise that evening, so I turned on MyTracks and tried to reach a mile of walking around the museum. Instead I made it 1.35 miles! Here are the details:

1.35 miles
1.04 mi/hr average speed
total time 1:17:56
moving time 1:01:06 (we were in a museum after all)
max speed 2.30 mi/hr

All this I did while holding a baby or pushing him in a stroller. (My husband and older kids offered to take him several times, but I wanted them to be able to focus on the museum.) My husband used to fly planes in Civil Air Patrol. He never got his license, but he still knows a great deal about planes and it's really fun to go through a place like that with him. I also learned that it's a lot more fun to go through it with a 13 yr old and a 10 yr old (and a 2 month old) than it was the last time we went through it, with a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old!

Best of all, half way through the museum when my baby needed to eat, I asked to borrow a chair and was offered a private room! I don't mind nursing in public, but I also don't cover up and therefore I really don't mind nursing in private either. I felt that I was treated exceptionally well as a nursing mom, and I really appreciated it.

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