Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Back to the Gym!

So, Saturday night I was doing some laundry, and I was carrying a basket upstairs - and instead of carrying it all the way, I knelt on a step and pushed it up onto the landing before turning around to head back downstairs. As I knelt, I felt a burning, tearing pain in my left knee. Most of the time, I absolutely and completely forget that I hurt it, because it isn't painful at all! Except for in those moments when I once again kneel, and then it is definitely painful. This morning, I forgot about it again and knelt down toward my baby, and when the pain hit me it literally knocked me to the ground. (With my back still sore, it took me a few minutes to get up as well!) Thus, I decided it would be best to go to the doctor this afternoon. They took x-rays to confirm that nothing is broken - I should get the results tomorrow - and I am also supposed to ice it for 15 minutes, 4x/day and take 400 mg of ibuprofin, 4x/day. If the x-ray looks normal and it isn't getting at least a little better in a week, then we'll probably do an MRI to make sure nothing is damaged that won't eventually figure itself out.

On a happier note, our gym membership is active again! Before 9 am, and again between 11 am and 5 pm, kids are allowed upstairs on the track. So, Monday morning (yesterday), I took my two boys to the gym and the 10 yr old walked the 2 month old around the track in the stroller while I lifted weights. I think it's been at least 6 months since I lifted weights, and I have been SORE! It felt great, though, and I'm really glad to be back at it! Hopefully this knee thing won't slow me down too much....

So, here is a list of what I did:
couple minutes of walking around the track to warm up
Chest Press - 12 reps at 40 lbs, 10 reps at 45 lbs, 8 reps at 50 lbs
Pectoral machine - 12 reps at 40 lbs, 10 reps @ 45 lbs, 8 reps at 50 lbs
Low Row - 12 @ 75 lbs, 10 @ 80 lbs, & 8 @ 85 lbs
Lat Pulldown - 12 at 60 lbs, 10 @ 60 lbs, & 8 @ 70 lbs
Single Arm Row w/ kettlebell - 12 @ 10 lbs, then 10 @ 15 lbs & 8 @ 15 lbs
Straight arm pushdown - 3 sets of 10, all @ 30 lbs
Ab crunch on ball - 3 sets of 20
plank hold - about 2 seconds, before I quit because of knee pain (I can't quite do a full length one yet, as I am just coming back to it after this break)
BOSU balance - 1 min on each foot, 1 min on each knee, & 1 min on both feet together (oddly, being on my left knee didn't bother me for this one)

I forgot to stretch out afterward, which I'm sure has made my soreness worse, and my back has burned quite a bit since doing this - but it hasn't refused me service, for which I am grateful. I am hoping that by pushing it at the gym for a couple weeks, while still being extra careful on the stairs and carrying the baby, will get me in shape enough that I can carry the baby on the stairs without hesitation or pain once again. I'll keep you posted on how that goes!

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