On Tuesday I really over reached. After walking in the morning, I tutored for several hours, made fudge with my neighbor's kids, and then went out to dinner with my husband and went to the Scouting Extravaganza in down town Salt Lake. I was really sore Tuesday night - everything from mid chest down to well below my hips ached - and I knew I needed to rest yesterday.
However, I also understand that my own mobility has to be a top priority or else it will be lost again. By walking three days this week instead of just one or two (or zero), I can now walk a mile in 35 minutes. That's huge progress from almost 50 minutes just a couple days ago! I still sometimes wish that I could be like other people and not worry about specifically spending time and energy on exercise, but I can't. I am not active enough to maintain mobility without putting forth concerted effort to exercise. Thus, the exercise is worth it, even when it bumps other things off of my priority list. I missed the Halloween parade at my son's school today, but I can be a better parent by being able to move around the house and do things with him and for him than I would be by watching him walk among dozens of other kids. There are days when I don't have to choose between priorities, but today wasn't one of them. I'm grateful that I know and am confident of what really is most important to me.