Thursday, October 31, 2013

Getting Faster

On Tuesday I really over reached. After walking in the morning, I tutored for several hours, made fudge with my neighbor's kids, and then went out to dinner with my husband and went to the Scouting Extravaganza in down town Salt Lake. I was really sore Tuesday night - everything from mid chest down to well below my hips ached - and I knew I needed to rest yesterday.

However, I also understand that my own mobility has to be a top priority or else it will be lost again. By walking three days this week instead of just one or two (or zero), I can now walk a mile in 35 minutes. That's huge progress from almost 50 minutes just a couple days ago! I still sometimes wish that I could be like other people and not worry about specifically spending time and energy on exercise, but I can't. I am not active enough to maintain mobility without putting forth concerted effort to exercise. Thus, the exercise is worth it, even when it bumps other things off of my priority list. I missed the Halloween parade at my son's school today, but I can be a better parent by being able to move around the house and do things with him and for him than I would be by watching him walk among dozens of other kids. There are days when I don't have to choose between priorities, but today wasn't one of them. I'm grateful that I know and am confident of what really is most important to me.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

They walked, and walked...

More walking today. It's nicer today, though, because I can tell that I hurt less today than I did yesterday because I walked today. Also, take note of the much faster pace. I'm almost back under 45 min for a mile!

Monday, October 28, 2013

More Walking

Again, 1.6 km = 1 mi, so this was barely over a mile. Notice my incredible pace (52 min mile! Woohoo!).

Last week I went to the pool one day and walked for about half an hour, but that was the only "exercise" I got. Today I'm officially 30 weeks pregnant, and my body is becoming quite stiff and sore. I've been so sick the last couple weeks I haven't really gotten anything done even while not exercising, but I'm worried about completely loosing mobility unless I start walking a whole lot more than I have been. That isn't even mentioning the endurance I'm going to need for labor and delivery....

So, here's to exercising! Even when it looks like a tortoise would beat me!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Two Days in a Row!

I walked for the second day in a row! Today I even added a little incline, and I was slightly faster (up to about 2.4 km/hr tops) than yesterday.
After I walked yesterday, I worked at my computer for about an hour and a half, and then I felt too sick to do anything the rest of the day. I didn't even manage to heat frozen food for my family for dinner! This frustrates me a lot, but walking regularly is the only thing that keeps me safe from back pain, and especially now (at 6+ months pregnant) I almost don't dare not walk.
I'm also GRATEFUL that my husband agrees with me about the high priority of my walking, and he is not critical of my inability to do other things when I try to take care of myself this way. He's been at a conference for work all week, so he can't even pick up what I drop - like cooking dinner - but there were leftovers in the fridge last night. Hopefully tonight we'll go back to eating together as a family.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


1.6 km or 1 mi today
I have felt too sick to walk for the last week, so I'm very grateful I was able to do this today!